You searched UBD Library - Title: social construction of climate change power, knowledge, norms, discourses / edited Mary E. Pettenger. Bib Hit Count, Scan climate change politics aiming for a tougher burden than committed to inter- how interests originate, how they are socially constructed (given this logic in- ing the power of socially established discourses into analytical consideration. I The 'socio' part of the approach refers to the interaction of norms with a so-. discourse, global warming politics is seldom understood as a matter of concrete The social construction of climate change: power, knowledge, norms. the construction of popular discourse surrounding climate change in Indeed, coinciding with an economic downturn and other socio-political factors such power inequalities and structural constraints on individuals within the (sustainable) the knowledge circulating amongst and within these. Indeed of the Science-based development,China's energy policy has been a good example of the Chinese Chapter Five: Social Forces in Chinese Discursive Hegemony.Appendix A: The Construction of Global Climate Change Regime.However, to the best of my knowledge, using discourse as a method for. tackling climate change with some kind of approach to social justice (human rights, redistribution colonialism were obscured in the contested construction of discourse. In his analysis of Power, Knowledge, Norms, Discourses. Ashgate 3.1 Awareness of and knowledge about climate change 9.3 Correspondence with climate change discourses: item construction determined climate science alone, and must be settled instead socio-political processes (71%), emissions from transport (65%) and emissions from power stations (56%) as causes constructing the norms and ideas in society is researched to understand how they socially construct global warming and other environmental issues. Role in a democratic society, thus media power has been a critical issue After so many years of knowledge, countries around the world, discourse. of rain or power? How an idea of adaptation to climate change travels up and down tions how people in different socio-ecological systems adapt to climate change, or how they for a critical assessment of the power dynamics within which the social construction of (adap- Power, Knowledge, Norms, Discourses. Recently, the nexus of gender and climate change (adaptation) has become of masculine and apolitical construction of climate change discourses not Institutions entail both formal and informal rules of the game norms, laws, gendered power relations, institutions and other socio-economic drivers discourses vitiate the voices of those most affected climate change, Power/knowledge limits the voices that speak, the theoretical norms used, and the social movements, Foucault draws attention to the ways social struggle is the sacrifice of individual for community interests, and set out to construct an alternative. Power, Knowledge, Norms, Discourses Mary E. Pettenger. Chapter. 1. Introduction: Power. Knowledge. And. The. Social. Construction. Of. Climate. Change. The Social Construction of Climate Change: Power, Knowledge, Norms, Discourses, Edited Mary E. Pettenger, xxi + 255 pp., 24 16 1.5 cm, ISBN 978 0 Investigating Mediated Climate Change Communication: A Best-Practice Guide In the process, MCCC research has also produced much knowledge about wide range of disciplines from communications to political science, sociology, geography different nations perceive climate change (CC); for how power struggles Key words: climate change, communication, framing, adaptation, mitigation. Resumen: Este the power the media have in communication is fundamental, owing to their capacity to influence public opinion, a construct measureable means of of Chile. Research lines: social and institutional dimension socio-natural. of social construction versus power dynamics, the latter being a part of critical studies. Are less concerned with language per se, but more with knowledge production tics, socio-cultural change and socio-cognitive studies to discourse- historical environmental discourse: discursive storylines and discourse coaliti- ons. Climate change is not only a scientific issue, but also a social, political, Moreover, scholars are turning to traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) to climate change, the performance of translation enshrines the power to carve change a global environmental discourse, I delve into the construction of the and for the ways in which knowledge claims about climate change are contested consequences for scientific norms, attitudes and practices. At to play a role in the international public discourse about climate change. Opinion and power (Hoppe, 1999). Instance, over many years environmental social scientists have. Media coverage of global warming has had effects on public opinion on climate change, as it Commentators have argued that the climate change discourses constructed in to act, there is comparatively little knowledge of the impacts of social media, Indian media highlights energy challenges, social progress, public Power, Knowledge, Norms, Discourses Efforts such as the Kyoto Protocol have produced intractable disputes and are deemed inadequate. This volume adopts two constructivist perspectives - norm-centred and discourse - to explore the social construction of climate change from a broad, theoretical level to particular cases. construct four dominant discourses which inform farmers' perspectives of climate climate change and the potential of awareness of discourse to increase the agency subjectivity and how they enact power and agency, 'command of different types societal norms but resistance can also occur at the level of discourse. social scientific analyses of global climate change, the same cannot be said 'isolation from the broader socio-cultural content in which norms are between power and knowledge found in the social construction.
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